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Save 9% on your fuel bill after SAFED training then monitor your drivers performance using the latest Vehicle telematics system from verilocation.
Many goods vehicle drivers complete their basic training, pass their Dept. of Transport test and then drive a powerful and expensive piece of machinery without any further training. Over the years drivers develop habits which can lead to increased maintenance costs, higher than necessary fuel consumption and accidents.
Our Defensive Driving / Fuel Economy Courses are designed for experienced drivers with the objective of improving professional driving skills and knowledge with particular emphasis on road safety, defensive driving techniques, correct and economical vehicle operation coupled with the updating of mechanical and legislative knowledge.
These courses are normally tailored to meet the requirements of the customers operation, but include both theoretical and practical elements.
Theory Session
A typical course would normally start with a theory session of about 4 hours for a group of up to 15 drivers. During this session we can include the following subject areas:
- Highway Code
- Basic Mechanical Knowledge
- Defensive and Economic Driving Skills and Techniques
- Safe Vehicle Loading and Security
- Accident Avoidance and Procedure
- Technological and Legislative Changes
- Drivers Hours and Records.
Many customers take the opportunity to input their own content during the theory session to cover their own operational procedures.
The practical sessions are best carried out in the operators own vehicles, usually this is on a one to one basis, however two candidates can be accommodated subject to seating capacity and operational constraints.
A typical practical session occupying a full day for a maximum of two drivers runs as follows:
- Vehicle Checks
- Identifying defects and reporting
- Demonstration / Commentary drive by instructor with emphasis on defensive and economic techniques
- Trainee drive with positive corrective advice from instructor
- Assessment of driving ability, vehicle knowledge, fuel economy awareness and defensive driving
- Final Appraisal and feedback.
On completion of training written reports are prepared for the operator and recommendations regarding any further remedial training are made where appropriate.
The advantages of this type of training are that :
- It is good for experienced drivers performance, and accident reduction
- It encourages further thought on fuel and cost economies by fleet drivers
- It usually has the spin – off effect in improved staff morale and attitude to the job
- It may help control insurance costs
- It can help with the introduction of new configurations of vehicles.
Once you have invested in the training you will need to monitor your drivers to ensure they are performing to an exceptable level.
A cost effective way is to fit a telematics system to the vehicle that can monitor the drivers performance. We work with Verilocation to give our customers a one stop solution to their fuel efficiency needs. www.verilocation.com
We treat each of these advanced courses on an individual basis as there is a real advantage in the customer having some particular input relating to their own work or fleet activity. We would be pleased to discuss your requirements, please contact us for further advice.